18 Ekim 2012 Perşembe

Being a Student at Metu

        Being a student at Metu was my goal in high school.Although I fulfill my dream, I have some adaptation problems.
  Firstly; because my all close friends are at a different section,I am so sad.I have difficulty in devoloping new relotionship and adapting to an unfamiliar environment. Living with people who I don't know so much about  is a hard condition.
  Secondly,campus is too complicated and broad.On account of the distance between faculties and dormitories, it takes so much time to go to anywhere.
  Lastly English is the language of instruction at Metu.As a consequence of this,I am finding it difficult to understand my teachers clearly.Moreover university lessons are more difficult than high school lessons.While I spend lesss time in class, I study hard at my free time.Also I need to balance work and social life.
  To cope with the challenges that I am facing, I am trying to get along with my new friends.I comminicate my expectations respectfully for avoiding conflict with my roommates. By using maps, I learn where faculties and other buildings.When I don't understand what teachers are talking about, I ask for help.Also I attend class regularly and take notes in order to improve my success.
  Despite of its hardships, Metu provides a lot of opportunities for students.They can find whatever they want or need at shopping centers.Also there are a wide range of places like cafes,library,post office,healt center etc. Besides there are many social clubs.
  Metu gives me freedom I need.this is one of the advantages of Metu for me.
  Consequently; I am happy about being at Metu.despite of difficulties,Being a student at metu is privilege.

An Ideal University

  Universities which are dreamt are different from one another for everyone.For me, an ideal university provides  a good education at the highest level.However it doesn't just  focus on training its students. It prepares them to real life too.It helps students develop abilities in different areas like communication,problem solving..
  It is a place where students can think,speak,investigate freely.On the other words; students are allowed to do what they want without being stopped to some extent.It helps students be aware of social problems and tries to find solutions for the problems.It teachs the value of honesty,loyalty etc. Culture and heritage are preserved and devoleped.
  An ideal university has teachers who are knowledable about their subject,concerned about the welfare of students,supportive.Also that teachers really know how to teach and help students learn content.
  An ideal university must provide a lot of opportunities.It should have comfortable and modern dormitories and provide scholorship for the students that need financial support.Students shouldn't face any transportation problems.Also there must be social activities at an ideal university.
  Metu fits all criteria that I have set for an ideal university.It is one of the most prestigious universities of Turkey.It focuses on the needes and expectations of students.It is a place of interaction.
  There are 18 modern dormitories within campus.Tv rooms,computer laboratories,kitchens are available at these dormitories.With ego buses,minibuses,taxis,ring busses which operate between dormitories and departments, transportation is very easy.Campus is away from traffic jam.
  Cultural,arts,sports events like concerts,conferences are organized for students.Also there are many student groups and societies in Metu.
  Metu is an ideal university for me.Moreover it is beyond my wildest dream.