5 Mayıs 2013 Pazar


   The article “I Surf, Therefore I Am” states ideas of a teacher about the use of Internet on homework. I have chosen it because almost all of the students use Internet while they are studying.
   Judith Levine says that her students only surf. They don’t read or research. They read neither scholarly articles which are reliable nor books that tell a story and sustain argument. Levine gives some examples. For instance, she says that one of her students submits homework about tobacco companies. However, he even doesn’t know what he is talking about. He just copies and pastes.  Levine gives other examples like this one.
   I agree with the writer on the point that Internet has some negative effects on the student’s homework paper because of two main reasons. Firstly, Internet is reliable to some extent. Information given in articles, books, or journals may be out of date. Namely, the facts that we are sure about their accuracy have been changing day by day. So these sources can misdirect the student. Secondly, the Internet cause students to be lazy since students find the information immediately without making too much effort. Rather than going to libraries they use Internet as the only source for research. This causes students to have limited point of view.          In my opinion, despite negative effects of it, Internet has also positive effects on homework if students know how to use it. First of all, Internet is the most comprehensive library. Students can reach unlimited books, newspapers, articles, and journals in online. Moreover, students can find current information from the Web easily. 
  As a consequence, Internet is both beneficial and harmful according to student’s use. Students must research from trustworthy sites, and take into consideration of source’s validity in order to use Internet correctly. Furthermore, they should not restrict themselves only to the Internet. They must go to libraries, read different sources, and develop their thinking abilities. I have found the article quite successful. Levine’s ideas are logical. Also, examples, which are given by her, make the article interesting.

4 Mayıs 2013 Cumartesi


   This video is a part of a research. I have found it appropriate to reflecting on because it shows the majority of people are addicted to e mail and texting.
   At the beginning of the video, it is   stated that e mail and texting attract the young. However, plenty of people are addicted to them. Later, a reporter asks people to their ideas about addiction of e mail and texting. Finally, doctor Ronald Davis of the American Medical Association points out that excessive text messaging, e-mailing, and Internet gaming can be considered addictions and classified as compulsive impulsive mental disorder. 
  In my opinion, this is a quite informative video although it is not given detailed information. I agree with the Ronald Davis on the point that e mail and text messaging are addiction. I often see these addictions around me, and I am one of the addicted people. Answers of people are both interesting and worrying. For instance, blond girl in the video says that she cannot stop sending text messages from morning till night. She sends about three to five thousand messages in a month. Another salient example is about a teenager who uses both hands to send message while she is behind the wheel. As a consequence, I have liked the video. 


   Electronic mail is a method used for exchanging digital messages from one person to the other one. I have found this topic worth reflecting on because e mail is one of the most important technological developments in our daily lives.
   Sending electronic messages date back to mid-1800s and popularity of e mail has been increasing day by day. In my opinion, e mail affects the quality of our life both negatively and positively. E mail makes people’s life easier in many ways. To begin with, using e mail is beneficial for social life. Communicating with the world gets easy because of e mail. People can contact a lot of people at once. They can correspond with their friends or relatives who live far away. Also, people can create online friendships with chatting. Secondly, using e mail is beneficial for effective use of time since it is quite quick to send or reply to a message. Moreover, People can do their work whenever and wherever they want. For instance, they can even work in travelling. Also, people can reach unlimited documents with a click of a button.
   Despite pros of it, using e mail can make people’s life difficult. Firstly, it can be harmful for people’s social life. If they become addicted to e mail, they can isolate from the real world. Namely, they can prefer chatting to spending their time with their friends or family. Researches indicate that there are more than 11 million people addicted to e mail. They check their e mail more than once an hour. They look at every message which comes in and need to reply the messages instantly. Furthermore, online friendships can be fake ,and so people can be disappointed. Secondly, using email can be harmful to people’s health. For example, doctors say that if people spend too long on their computer, this is bad for their eyes.
   Consequently; e mail is as a tool which has positive and negative effects on people’s life. Unfortunately, like the majority of society, I am addicted to e mail. I check my e mail account more often than I should. I must break this habit.
 Eddie Mulholland Email I’m so addicted to email, I have to hide 
it from my wife