24 Mart 2013 Pazar


    “Who talks more: Men or Women?” This question has become one of the most controversial topics throughout history. Deborah Tannen, writer of the article, approaches this question from a different perspective and so I have chosen this article.
   Deborah Tannen says that answer of the question changes from case to case. Namely, women talk more about individual cases while men talk more about communal contexts and she calls these terms as rapport talking and report talking.
   For me, the article is the most rational of writings which I have ever read about tentativeness because fields of interests of women and men are different from each other. We can observe it in our daily lives. Suppose that there is a couple. Woman asks to man how his day is. The man will probably say that“Fine or like any other day” like any other man because majority of the men don’t like talking about this stuff. However, when the man asks the same question to the woman, the result will be much different. The woman most likely will tell everything which has happened during the day to the finest detail. The man even might regret asking such a thing.  :) The woman’s talkativeness results from her tendency to rapport talking. This may explain why people generally think that women are more talkative than men. Let’s think about another situation. In this scenario, when the couple goes to parent- teacher conference, the man will be more willing to speak since he prefers report taking. These stories can be the example for that men use talking to obtain information while women use talking to interaction.          
   In my opinion, the article is both interesting and informative. The writer explains what the rapport talking and report talking are and gives quite vivid examples. Furthermore, she prefers a different way to give information. She mentions about three cartoons and one letter which are about the topic. This makes the article intriguing. As a consequence, Deborah Tannen deserves lots of congratulations. 

1 yorum:

  1. Dear Dilek,

    Firstly, I like your way of explaining the subject very much. You have stated why you chose this article, and also stated the writer’s opinions explicitly. In fact, you have provided a lot of detail about your opinions, and this makes me extremely happy. Because if I want to see what writer thinks about, I can read it all the time, but your ideas are more precious. Also, your pictures are related to the topic. From grammatical aspect, I have not found anysome specific mistakes, so I have tried to look in detail. We don’t use “that” in direct quotations. Therefore, there is no need for “that” in the -“He says that “….”- sentence. Moreover, by using paragraphs you made easier for us to read your entry :) All in all, I am sure that I will read your next entries with the same pleasure :)
