11 Ocak 2013 Cuma


  Tradition is a set of customs and beliefs which have been passed from one generation to next generation over a long period of time. Every community has its own traditions and social rules. For instance, a young in Turkey kisses the right-hand of an older person. After s/he raises the hand of the older person and touches it to his/her forehead. This is the traditional way to demonstrate respect.

 Traditions determine the community’s social relationship and the behavior pattern of people. People know how behave in daily life with the help of traditions. Traditions develop relationships between people. They are also means of conveying cultural values. Thanks to traditions, national items are transmitted to next generations and unity is provided between old and next generations
While traditions are important in many societies, not all traditions are good ones. Some traditions may be wrong or they may give harm to community if people believe traditions blindly. Namely, people believing traditions blindly cannot think independently. They do not accept the new ideas so they get out of date.
   As a consequence, people must not follow traditions blindly. They must find out reasons or meaning of traditions by questioning. After, they must form their own opinions and act accordingly.

3 yorum:

  1. Dear Dilek,
    I liked your writing.The context is good.You used paragraphs.You told of some traditions but you told that some traditions might be bad.You did not focus on one thing.In terms of gramatical rules,in forth sentence,'and' is unnecessary because you used 'after' in the beginning of the sentence.In the second sentence of second paragraph,you must use 'to' after 'how'.Apart from these small mistakes,I could not find any bad things.I liked your writing and topic.

  2. I really enjoyed your journal :) I liked your topic very much.As everyone know, our society is firmly tied to our traditions. Your sentences are well structured.You mentioned about our good traditions and bad traditions at the same time. However, I wish that you had informed us about bad traditions with one example as in the case of good traditions.In addition to this, your conclusion sentence is about your last paragraph.You should have written a sentence which sums up the whole jounal, not just last paragraph.That is, it should have been about our good and bad traditions.As to grammatical mistakes, in fourth sentence there is a linking verb mistake. You used both ‘AND’ and ‘AFTER’.One of them is unnecessary.If you want to use after, you should put an subject to the beginning of the second sentence.In the seventh sentence, you forgot to use ‘TO’ after how.Apart from these, I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for your effort :)
    Best Regards

  3. Dear Cansu and Güllü,
    From now on, I will pay more attention to my grammar usage. Thank you very much for your comments :)
