Generally people like shopping .Men are reluctant and wait until they need something, but it is a passion for women.It is a form of social interaction.It is about freedom, self confidence.
Women always have reasons for going shopping.They want to feel relaxed or reward themselves.It is the most suitable activity when they have free time and it is a therapy for them.Also, there are a lot of special days when they need buy gifts like Valiente's Day,anniversary of marriage,birthdays...
One of the reasons the passion of shopping is shopping centers that we see everywhere. People can buy clothes, jewellery and other things at a discount at these shopping centers. Moreover, they get people encourage for shopping with a lot of advertisement, and so they can extract money from people's pocket.
Because of these reasons, specially women buy a lot of unnecessary things.Most women have many hangbags, shoes that they don't wear in their wardrobes. They understand that they needen't buy so much things.However, they can't help going shopping. They walk into a store without any real purpose or they are in there with the intention of buying one or two items. Furthermore if they haven't enough time to go shopping, they do online shopping.
Women must take precautions for unnecessary shopping. They should focus on what will really benefit.They should control themselves and get organised. They must do shopping list. If they enter a shop with a list, they will only buy what is on the list. Besides, before they buy anything, they must slow down and think, and they must memorize people who even can't buy necessary things for subsisting.
Dear Dilek,
YanıtlaSilI like your topic choice. As a woman, I can totally agree with you. It is exactly good thing you mention bad sides of shopping especially the part telling women buy more than they need contrary to men. I couldn't agree more. Maybe you can add your writing that if we can't handle with this over shopping problem we give our overage clothes to charities. Thanks for your sharing :)
Dear Sahra,
YanıtlaSilI totally agree with you that it will be nice if I add some more imformation. Thank you very much for your comment :)