11 Ocak 2013 Cuma


      This video is the fragment of a movie which is called as The Invention of Lying. I chose this video because it attracted my attention while I was looking for a video that is about lying.
       The Invention of Lie is a romantic comedy film which is written and directed by Ricky Gervais and Matthew Robinson. Ricky Gervais stars as Mark Gervais and Jennifer garner stars as Anna McDoogles. At the beginning of this fragment, there is information about plot of movie. It is stated that people live a world where everyone only can tell truth and no one has ever lies. There are no big lies and not even white lies in this world. After, Mark Bellison is introduced. He goes out on a date with Anna McDoogles who is a beautiful and wealthy woman. However she says that she is not attracted to him because of his looks and financial situation. On the next scene, Mark goes to the bank to close his account because his landlord evicts him for not paying his rent. The officer says that the computers are down and asks him to how much money he has in account. While Mark is about to tell her, a strance reaction occurs in his brain and he tells the world’s first lie. So he takes $ 800 although he has $ 300 in his account. Then Mark starts to lie in a variety of other circumstances. For instance, he gets money from a gambling casino with the help of his lies.
      In my opinion, it is an intriguing video. I am looking forward to watching the entire movie and I recommend you to watch it.  :)

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