11 Ocak 2013 Cuma


     This video is about culture shock. It exemplifies process of adaptation to a new culture and informs us about phases of culture shock.
      At the beginning of the video we see a man in the honeymoon phase. This phase is fun time. This man is so excited and happy since he is in New York that he says a lot of irrelevant things to people walking on the New York Streets. After, we see scenes about crisis phase when people notice even slight differences and don’t like host country. There are three examples of this phase in the video. Firstly, we see four men who come from a tropical country to a cold country. These men are shocked when they feel freezing weather. Secondly, we see a man having difficulty in speaking foreign language. He misunderstands the other man. He thinks that the other man is talking about singing. However the other man is trying to say that he is sinking. Lastly we see people eating insects. The women can’t stand them and faints. Later we see scenes about reintegration phase. In this phase, people feel more confident and relaxed. Most probably, these scenes are the funniest part of the video.
     I think, it is an interesting video and it is highly triumphant. I believe that you will like it. :)

4 yorum:

  1. Dear Dilek,
    I like your multi-media journal.You mention about culture shock and its effects on people.As a result of this shock,people end up themselves in a situation that they are not used to so far.What is more; they do not know how they should react to this situation.Sometimes; people get used to easily new and different situations,but generally people have difficult times to get used to them.At that time;people feel lonely,unhappy.Like in this video;people can not understand each other.May be they have to eat diffirent meat for them for the first time.To avoid of these bad situations,we should/can search for new things that we want to try. Thanks for your journal Dilek and information about culture shock :)

  2. Dear Elif,
    Thank you very much for your comment :)

  3. Dilek! I like your sharing so much I think the video explains the issue very well. Culture schok is one of the worst thing in life maybe because the oddest things happens in these situations. I tried but could not find any grammar mistakes =) I like your video so much thank you for share it with us! =))

  4. Dear Mizgin,
    Thank you very much for your comment :)
